Pankkikonttorin valaistus uusittiin nopealla aikataululla

Helsinkiläisen pankkikonttoriin vaihdettiin Plata moduulivalaisimet saneerauksen yhteydessä. Asennus saatiin täsmällisen siistiksi piilolista-asennussarjan avulla. Asiakas oli tyytyväinen nopeaan toimitukseen, kun Plata-valaisimet pystyttiin toimittamaan työmaalle parissa päivässä Airamin Keravan varastosta.

pankkikonttorin valaistus

Glare-free lighting

The pleasant, even and glare-free general lighting in the bank makes you feel welcome as soon as you reach the door. This Helsinki branch of the bank offers its customers help and support in banking services and flexible service. It is very important to create for the employees and customers a peaceful atmosphere, which helps them to concentrate and remain alert in demanding work that requires focus. Lighting plays an important role in this. The requirement of this bank was to keep discomfort glare under control. Plata luminaires have very little discomfort glare thanks to their UGR > 19 microprism diffuser.

A long-lasting selection of luminaires

Plata lighting with its fixed LED light source is an effective and trouble-free choice in the long term. Bulbs do not need changing and energy consumption and installation costs are low. With DALI-controlled luminaires, the level of lighting can be quickly adjusted according to the need.

Easy and precise installation of the concealed batten strip

Plata modular luminaires can be installed recess-mounted, suspended on wires or surface-mounted with a separate installation kit. Installation in special ceilings always requires an installation kit intended for ceilings with concealed battens strips.

The aluminium-bodied modular luminaire is changeable and the installation kit is suitable for all Plata luminaires. The Plata installation solutions have been highly praised by installation engineers on building sites on account of their precise and rapid installability.