FAQ Airam products

FAQ Airam products

On this page, we answer questions about Airam's products and operations.

Where can I buy Airam’s products?

Airam’s products are sold in department stores and hardware shops, for example. If you want to find out about the availability of particular products, you should contact the shop directly. 

If you are renovating your home or building a new one and would like to use Airam’s products for your lighting solution, discuss the matter with your electrical contractor.

Companies can buy products from our online shop.

Does Airam stock a particular product I need?

If you have a customer account with us, you can request a password for our online shop. After logging into our online shop, you can view the products in stock and their prices.

How do I download a product card or a product group card? What is the difference between these?

A product card contains information on a particular product and it can be downloaded from the web page for the product in question. This card offers technical information and pictures pertaining to a particular product.

A product group card contains information on an entire product range and it can be downloaded from the web page for the range in question. The information on this card is more general and it pertains to the product group as a whole.

The product cards are available in PDF format. You can freely add text, such as a name and position number, in two fields in the product card files.

How can I contact Airam?

You can contact us via the contact request form. All messages are read and processed as quickly as possible.

Contact information for our international sales team can be found by clicking the link Contact us.